What We Edit
We handle the following edits to your site:
Add Text: You provide the text.
Exchange Photos: We replace existing photos with yours or stock images.
Add Logo: Your logo will be added.
Data Protection and Cookies Text: We supply this text.
Initial Settings: All initial setup is done by us.
Domain Selection: We assist in choosing a domain.
Two Zoom meetings will be scheduled:
Project Start: Kickoff meeting.
Project End: Final review meeting.
No Corrections: No revisions after initial setup.
Template Edits: We edit the template as is; no layout changes.
Photo Changes: Photos can be replaced with provided or stock images.
Projects: Max of 4 projects with up to 4 images each.
Gallery: Up to 20 custom images can be added. You provide the images.
All information must be provided by email and on time.
What We Edit
We handle the following edits to your site:
Add Text: You provide the text.
Exchange Photos: We replace existing photos with yours or stock images.
Add Logo: Your logo will be added.
Data Protection and Cookies Text: We supply this text.
Initial Settings: All initial setup is done by us.
Domain Selection: We assist in choosing a domain.
What We Edit
We handle the following edits to your site:
Add Text: You provide the text.
Exchange Photos: We replace existing photos with yours or stock images.
Add Logo: Your logo will be added.
Data Protection and Cookies Text: We supply this text.
Initial Settings: All initial setup is done by us.
Domain Selection: We assist in choosing a domain.
Two Zoom meetings will be scheduled:
Project Start: Kickoff meeting.
Project End: Final review meeting.
No Corrections: No revisions after initial setup.
Template Edits: We edit the template as is; no layout changes.
Photo Changes: Photos can be replaced with provided or stock images.
Projects: Max of 4 projects with up to 4 images each.
Gallery: Up to 20 custom images can be added. You provide the images.
All information must be provided by email and on time.